As part of his
workshop on problem-based learning last Thursday, Dr. Mark Serva, a professor of information
systems at the University of Delaware,
discussed a variety of issues relating to course design in general, whether
using a problem-based format or not. One
question he raised that made me stop and think perhaps more than any other was,
“How do we spend our class time?”
The following
options were listed: - Content knowledge
- Design and creativity
- Real-world context
- Communication skills
- Student intrinsic motivation
- Hands-on skills
- Critical thinking
- Disciplinary integration
- Teamwork/collaboration
- Self-directed learning
All must be present to some degree. The tough question is which ones are more important than others?
For any given class, the options (developed by Jonathan Stolk and Robert Martello of Olin College) can total no more than 100%. So if we value critical thinking, for instance, at 20%, then we have to devalue something else to maintain the 100% total. There was rich discussion about what percentage we would give to each when designing a course, as well as what percentage we might give to them when planning any individual class session.
To me this
discussion brought home the point that we often spend all, or most, of our time
thinking about what content knowledge we want students to acquire, giving much
less attention to the other equally--sometimes perhaps more--important nine
concepts.For any given class, the options (developed by Jonathan Stolk and Robert Martello of Olin College) can total no more than 100%. So if we value critical thinking, for instance, at 20%, then we have to devalue something else to maintain the 100% total. There was rich discussion about what percentage we would give to each when designing a course, as well as what percentage we might give to them when planning any individual class session.
I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on the items in this list. Would you add any additional options? Which one(s) would you weight more heavily than others? Why?